Are You in Victim or Power Mode?

Are You in Victim or Power Mode?

<p>In this blog, we’ll explore how stepping into your personal power through Human Design can help you not only create a business that feels aligned but one that thrives - and get away from victim mode.</p>

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Navigating Overwhelm and Confusion With Human Design

Navigating Overwhelm and Confusion With Human Design

As an entrepreneur, especially one with several open centers in your Human Design chart, you might be comparing yourself to others and feeling like you're falling short.

But here’s the thing: Your open centers aren’t weaknesses—they’re actually your superpowers.

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How to Navigate Business Decisions with Human Design

How to Navigate Business Decisions with Human Design

<p>If you're like many entrepreneurs, you probably have days where the options feel overwhelming, and decision-making becomes paralyzing. But Human Design can be your guide out of that confusion.</p>

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