Human Design Centers - The Heart / Ego Center

Human Design Centers - The Heart / Ego Center

In this series about the nine centers of Human Design, here's another interesting one: the heart or ego center.

The heart or ego center is all about willpower, determination, ego and persistence to go for your dreams in life.


With an undefined Heart Center, willpower and persistence are not consistent energies. There may be days where you feel the power to go full speed ahead, and there may be days where your energy is the complete opposite.

That doesn't make you weak or lazy, but it makes you aware that you need to surround yourself with positively minded people whose willpower and persistence are available for you to tap into.

Tip for those with an undefined heart center: don't feel bad for not following through, but ask yourself whether or not this was meant for you in the first place.


This center gives us the will for financial support on the material plane - our family, communities, businesses, societies, cultures, civilizations. Just as your heart that beats in alternating phases of tension and relaxation, this center needs to operate with correct timing to be healthy.

When your Heart center is defined, it's healthy for you to make promises so that you and your tribe can benefit from your willpower to support them. Observe and honour what you find yourself saying you will do, not what your mind thinks you need to, have to, or should do.

Tip for those with a defined heart center: don't mistake willpower for energy. Many people with a defined heart center find themselves depleted and exhausted because their willpower is consistent, but their energy is not. Ask yourself yes/no questions to find out if the thing you committed to lights you up!

Any questions about your (un)defined heart center? Let me know!
